13985번: Equality백준/문제2024. 2. 19. 13:51
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문제 출처 : https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/13985
언어 : Kotlin
문제 설명 :
You are grading an arithmetic quiz. The quiz asks a student for the sum of the numbers. Determine if the student taking the quiz got the question correct.
입력 :
The first and the only line of input contains a string of the form:
a + b = c
It is guaranteed that a, b, and c are single-digit positive integers. The input line will have exactly 9 characters, formatted exactly as shown, with a single space separating each number and arithmetic operator.
출력 :
Print, on a single line, YES if the sum is correct; otherwise, print NO.
제한 사항 :
- 시간 제한 : 1초
- 메모리 제한 : 512MB
입출력 예 :
입력 | 출력 |
1 + 2 = 3 | YES |
2 + 2 = 5 | NO |
풀이 :
import java.io.BufferedReader
import java.io.BufferedWriter
import java.io.InputStreamReader
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter
fun main() = with(BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(System.`in`))) {
val bw = BufferedWriter(OutputStreamWriter(System.out))
readLine().split(" ").also {
val a = it[0].toInt()
val b = it[2].toInt()
val result = it[4].toInt()
when (it[1]) {
"+" -> bw.write(if (a + b == result) "YES" else "NO")
"-" -> bw.write(if (a - b == result) "YES" else "NO")
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